16th International Symposium on Maritime Health


affiliate partners

MEGA Sponsor

gold Sponsor

silver sponsors

bronze sponsors

organizing sponsor

event sponsor

Become a Sponsor

Learn about our different sponsors and supporters categories.

  • Showcase your products and services
  • Associate your brand cutting edge content and industry insights
  • Reach potential customers in a cost-effective way
  • Generate targeted sales leads at a focused event rather than a generic trade show
  • Network with influential decision makers
  • Develop partnerships through face-to-face meetings at sponsored networking functions
  • Maximise your brand exposure through marketing in the lead up to the event

To learn more about how you can use 2023 to share information about your company and products please contact:

Mrs Eleni Karamitsou  
Marketing & Communication Manager
Member of ISHM16 Organization Committee
Tel : +30 6944 568907
E-mail : info@ismh16.gr